Corporate Health and Wellbeing
According to the CIPD 2019 health and wellbeing at work survey top reasons for sickness absence include:
Mental health issues such as stress, anxiety and depression | Musculoskeletal problems such as backpain | Acute medical conditions
Presenteeism is a growing challenge to business as employees are not engaged, productive or satisfied within their roles due to unresolved issues at work or home. The report emphasises the need to look beyond sickness rates and take a holistic approach to understand what drives people’s behaviour and wellbeing. In many cases these reasons for sickness absence are preventable and can be improved by nutrition and lifestyle choices.
How can the Lincolnshire Nutritionist help your business and its employees?
Rebecca provides informative workshops designed to educate and empower individuals to make nutrition and lifestyle choices that support their health within a busy working environment.
These presentations can be adapted to suit the needs of your employees.
Popular topics include; Stress, Nutrition and Lifestyle & Female Hormonal Health
What it is
How the body responds
Impact of foods and lifestyle
How to improve our stress response
Nutrition and Lifestyle
Typical western diet
Essential foods, what they do, why we need them and how to add them into your diet.
Common illnesses related to nutrient deficiencies
Impact of stress, lack of exercise and poor sleep
Female Hormonal Health
Effects of stress on our hormones
Signs and symptoms of peri-menopause
Diets and behaviours that worsen our symptoms
Essential nutrients to support our hormonal health
Working Lunch with The Lincolnshire Nutritionist
Key Features
Approx 1hr group workshop sessions (8-12 people)
Presentation Handouts
Mini food diary analysis
Symptoms link, identifying what nutrition and lifestyle choices are triggering their symptoms.
For employees with chronic health conditions that require more personalised support.