Weight loss programmes | Diets | New Years Resolutions? No Thanks!
Posted by Rebecca
Weight loss programmes | Diets | New Years Resolutions? No Thanks!
Its that time of year again when we are soon to be inundated with adverts on various weight loss programmes, celebrity endorsed eating programmes and exercise regimes.
Most of us will have eaten our body weight in food and alcohol over Christmas and will be feeling the need to make changes.
That’s where the News years resolutions come in.
Let’s start a fresh we say, lets completely change our habits of a lifetime as soon as the magic clock chimes midnight.
NO, not for me thank you!!
Why I disagree with New Year Resolutions.
If we have to wait for a specific date to make changes in our lives, then we are setting ourselves up to fail.
Even worse, most of us choose this date secure in the knowledge that it’s okay to fail because everyone expects you to fail and we can fail alongside thousands of others trying to do the same thing.
Real change takes time. We need to introduce changes slowly until we have formed new habits that we can maintain for the rest of our lives. Most people need support and guidance to make these changes and when it comes to eating healthily, in my opinion weight loss programmes are NOT the answer.
Why I disagree with weight loss programmes.
If weight loss programmes really worked then people wouldn’t have to stay with them for years. The common response I get to that is,
“It’s okay for you, you’re not overweight, you must have a really fast metabolism”.
That is true, I have never struggled with being overweight, however;
A person’s physical weight is not a measure of their health.
My great-grandmother was overweight most of her life and lived well into her eighties, my father never struggled with weight and died aged 61.
We live in a society that has been programmed to believe that fat is bad and that we need to restrict our calorie intake to be healthy. We often make the mistake of restricting our nutrient intake alongside the calories, depriving our bodies of essential fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Once we start eating a balanced and varied diet our need for sugar decreases and so does our body fat. Here are my top tips.
1. Throw out the weighing scales.
The stress of weighing yourself daily is probably causing more underlying damage to your health. Distribution of fat is a more reliable indicator of health. Measure your hip to waist ratio instead. https://www.diabetes.co.uk/waist-to-hip-ratio-calculator.html
2. Eat fat!
Don’t get too excited, I mean specific fats that are essential for our health. Such as nuts, seeds, avocados and oily fish. Most low-fat foods contain high levels of sugar. High sugar diets lead to increased risk of diabetes. The brain is approximately 60% fat, Alzheimer’s disease is known as type 3 diabetes because of the links between brain health and low-fat diets.
3. Balance your sugar intake.
Every meal we eat can be compared with burning a fire. Our aim is to feel full and satisfied until the next meal, without the cravings for sugary snacks or caffeine. Our meals need to include a source of protein or fat to slow the release of sugar from carbohydrates during digestion. For example, if we only put paper on the fire it burns quickly, and we need to keep adding more to keep it alight. If we add sticks and coal to the fire it lasts longer.
4. Eat more Vegetables!
Vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre and we just don’t get enough of them in our diet. Aim to fill half you plate with salad and vegetables. Don’t eat the same ones all the time, add a variety of colours and types to your meals. A varied diet nourishes a healthy gut bacteria population which supports our immune system and overall health.
5. Drink water.
Water hydrates our cells and helps the body flush out toxins. Most of us simply don’t drink enough. Start by reducing your caffeine intake and replacing it with water.
Change takes time, allow yourself the time and support you need to make those changes last a life time.
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